NSFW and pirated/illegal content will be removed, and risk a ban. You can still post them in the dedicated channel on our Discord server (visit the full rules for more info). Photo Mode posts are temporarily not allowed as per our strict anti-spoiler policy. Posts about topics covered within the last week will be removed. that do not contribute to meaningful discussion will be removed at the mods' discretion. Low-effort submissions, such as memes, screenshots, game clips, etc. Follow us on Twitter! Assassin's Creed Discord Server RULES 1 // Submission GuidelinesĪll submissions must be in English and directly related to the Assassin’s Creed series. Two down, two to go.// Subreddit for news, discussion and more about Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed franchise. This time around there’s no separate gear set item so I assume once you get all four of the Anubis pieces of loot, you’ll get the full Anubis armour. It has 277 damage per second, and comes with health for critical hits which is a nice bonus. This dropped at level 40 for me with a slight improvement on quality than my current weapon. Fast travel to the Yw Huts, tag up the event, (which is clearly labelled on the map) so you know where you’re going, and then head on over.įor your trouble you’ll get 1000XP, 250 Drachmas and, most importantly the Was Scepter. If you're just looking to get to Sobek, he’s over in the north east of the map in the middle of Herakleion Nome.
You can probably get through this at 38 like I did with Anubis but I’m now level 40 and using the Conductor of Souls sword I got from the previous god. Just like Anubis, Origins suggests that you should be level 40 to beat Sobek so if you’re kicking around level 35 or 36 you’re going to want to climb a bit to stop one hit kills.