Fallout 4 Fallout 4 Non Adult Mods Hot Mama NPCs (Female NPC Overhaul) Sign in to follow this. The end of the world sure has its challenges. Possible to give an NPC a "unique" body? Clearly its a mod but I am not sure which one and how to fix it. Note: to make something like that work you would need all of the games outfit's generated in a single shape (say default cbbe curvy) then use Expired's setup to morph the outfits to the different shapes. Ever felt like you were too overpowered and want actual memorable boss fights in Fallout 4… Fallout 4 – Tales from the Commonwealth v3.01 Fallout 4 – Settlers of the Commonwealth v3.14 Fallout 4 – Atomic Radio v2.6 Skyrim – Interesting NPCs v3.4.2 SSE – Interesting NPCs v3.4.2 Beta Fallout 3 Bundle v0.06 Fallout NV Bundle – v0.04 Optional Files. I've been having some issues with trying to get Unique NPCs to work. So I use Unique Player, then I also installed 2pacs Skimpy Armor Replacer. But even when morphing the unique player body every NPC changes aswell. I am trying to make Unique Npcs work with bodytalk. This mod is supposed to make your player body unique (the only one) when compared to all the other NPC bodies in the Commonwealth. everything I can think of to try and fix this. hey people, I got a question (sorry if I'm not clear enough, english is not my native language): does any of you have the Unique NPCs mod, not the latest version but the previous one? - posted in Fallout 4 Mod Troubleshooting: Ive tried. Hi all, So recently I've been rebuilding my load order, and I've decided not to use AWKCR because I am not a huge fan of how many unnecessary features it's had slapped onto it, and so far I've managed to build a pretty good load order without it. Fallout 4: The Top 10 Weapons Mods So Far.